▽ Bracelet symbolizing the 7 main Chakras . Each stone has been carefully selected for its properties and colors. Separated by small Italian 925 silver beads and mounted on an elastic thread.
▽ A methyst is associated with the coronal chakra: Sahasrara it activates intuition. It helps fight poisoning. Soothes and purifies. It is a very beneficial stone for the mind, which helps to find balance and serenity. Neutralizes negative waves ...
Is The apis Lazuli is a stone of creativity, good humor and shared joy. Activates the 3rd eye, 2nd chakra: Ajna. Stabilizes the mind and uplifts the soul. It allows the overcoming of preconceived ideas, difficulties and internal conflicts. Brings wisdom to humanity, it facilitates intuition and strengthens the spirit of solidarity, it promotes harmony in human relationships ...
▽ A igue Marine promotes oral expression as well as artistic expression. It is perhaps the most effective stone to clear and activate the throat chakra, the 3rd: Vishuddha, helping us to express our deepest truth, that which is closest to our heart. It brings creativity, joy, and hope to its owner. It is a restful stone: because it helps to alleviate anxieties, whimsical temperaments and to evacuate emotional shocks ...
▽ A green venturine promotes clear ideas and brings a positive outlook on life. It corresponds to the 4th chakra: Anahata. It is the stone of creativity and determination. It promotes free will, freedom of thought, well-being and self-confidence ...
▽ The C itrine encourages to develop a positive attitude in all areas of existence, to see the future with optimism, transforming negative energies. It gives energy vitality and dispels worry. Corresponds to the 5th chakra: Manipura and protects the aura. Stone which balances and purifies the subtle body and harmonizes them with the physical body ...
▽ Botswana's A gate rereads the ground, stabilizes. Home balance. Luck. Stone of harmony. It is an anchor and luck stone. These properties are to bring emotional, physical and intellectual balance by eliminating energy blockages inside the body and stabilizes the energy of the physical body. Linked to the 6th chakra: Svadhishthana. It harmonizes yin and yang. A soothing, calming stone that acts gently. For the pregnant woman she protects the life that believes in her ...
▽ The red asp is a “supreme protector”. Suitable for the 7th chakra: Muladhara because it anchors energy and gently stimulates. It helps to highlight problems before they become too big and insurmountable. It purifies and strengthens the aura. Its properties act slowly and gently. It helps during the stressful period and brings serenity and calm ...
▽ We can also speak of the ninth chakra because it is linked to money, it binds you to the energies of the moon.
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Made to measure, with other possible stones contact me and let me know your wrist size.
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